Friday, February 25, 2011

In Class Exercise 2/25/2011 Atari

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Play one of the classic vintage arcade games (but NOT a facebook game!) online via a browser - e.g. asteroids, battlezone, centipede etc

(image and game from

Student Name: Fontecha, John Phillip

Today’s Date: 02.25.2011

Game Title Examined: Centipede

Year of Publication (if known - check for details): 1980

Game Publisher: Atari, Inc.

Game Developer (if different from Publisher): Atari, Inc. (Ed Logg and Dona Bailey)

1 - What is the game genre (e.g. shoot-em-up, racing, sports, puzzle, MMORPG, ‘sandbox’, music sequence following game (e.g. DDR, guitar hero)
The game genre is  a shoot-em-up.

2 -What is the type of game ‘world’ or environment (e.g. flat environment, puzzle/maze space, 3D world?)
The type of environment is a flat environment.

3 - What is the perspective taken by player (e.g first person, third person perspective, top down, isometric) in relation to main player controlled character.
The perspective taken is top down in relation to the main player controlled character.

4 - What is the actual gameplay – what does the player have to do?
The gameplay is to shoot up as a gun from the bottom of the screen aiming at an approaching centipede from the top of the screen before it reaches the bottom, spiders appear that the player also has to shoot.

5 - Is the gameplay intuitive? (i.e. is it easy to understand what to do without instructions?) describe.
The gameplay is intuitive, because an aiming reticule is shown on screen and the player clicks and shoots are fired.

6 - Is the gameplay patterned (game does the same thing over & over) or is it random (happens differently every time?)
The gameplay is patterned.

7 - What does the type of graphic approach used as well as the audio tell you about the limits of the technology at the time the game was published?
The type of graphic approach used and the audio shows that the processing power of computers were limited to simple representations of what is happening and what it would sound like.

8 - Describe your views about the game from the point of view of
1) ease of play
The ease of play is easy in concept, but would be hard to master as the game gets faster and faster.
b) enjoyability
The game is enjoyable as a simple distraction. One the game is over the satisfaction is gone, because there is no progression system, negating the possibility of reaching a high score.
c) level of engagement/immersion
The level of engagement and immersion is based on twitch gameplay, which means you have to be attentive and not distracted in order to survive in the game and not get a game over screen instead.

9 - Had you played this game prior to this time? If so, when?
 I have played this game prior to this time as a Xbox Live Arcade release on the Microsoft Xbox 360.

10 - What does playing the game remind you of in terms of other games/media?
 Playing the game reminds me in terms of other games of Millipede, as the game's predecessor. The game also plays a bit like Galaxian and Galaga as fellow contemporary shoot-em-ups.

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