Friday, January 28, 2011

Play Legend of Zelda Online

1) How would you describe the level of engagement compared to more action oriented games from the same period?

The game has more exploration elements compared to more action oriented games of the time like Super Mario Brothers or Contra. The controls do not depend on super reflexes and do not require super precise movement, so it is not as hard. The pace is not as fast in the process, and it is more relaxed.

2) What role does setting and characterisation play in the game?

The setting is ideally supposed to immerse the player in the game world. The directionless gameplay and lack of compass adds to the exploration and wonder element of the game. The opening set-up and link tend to identify with a fantasy setting. Tingle, the other character in green, is an odd character, kinda whimsical. The octoroks, octopus enemies are fantastical in that they are similar to fighting mythological animals in a Dungeons and Dragons game.

3) How do spells, pickups and power-ups assist the game play?

The pick-up of hearts assist players to regain health and make the game easier. If there were no heart pick-ups, then  the game's difficulty would be harder. the The bomb pick-up turns the game into an escort mission. There were no spells.

(one paragraph per question)

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