Friday, January 21, 2011

Cartoon Network Game Creators

A) What options are available to you as a 'game designer'? 

The options available to a game designer are to select a background for the level, the character to use as an avatar, the endgame goal of said game in order to beat it. Also you are able to add borders and to place different objects, such as power-ups or enemies on the game's level.

B) How are these options provided?

Simple click to select and click on an area to place the object in the game world.

C) What types of elements are provided for you to use to 'build' the game?

Walls, switches, collectables, enemies and monster closets.

D) What limits are set on the level of the game play able to be customized

There are specific gameplay types to select from, for example you can't make a racing or R.T.S.

E) What does the process of using these game creators teach about the notion of the 'difficulty and achievement' balance? Explain using an example from your research.

The process teaches game creators to make a game that it is challenging enough to be rewarding, but not too difficult as to be frustrating and make the player quit. 

When you are done, trade places with another student and have them answer the following questions.

1) Is the game level fun to play? (be honest!)

It was fun and wasn't too hard to play

2) If so, why? If not, why not?

The game would be fun for young children ages 5 and up, because it is easy learn and play.
3) What could be done to improve the level?

The sound effects could be better, but it isn't apart of the options provided by the game-making tools.

Email the answers to the above three questions to the student who created the game.

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