Friday, May 13, 2011

MMORPG's Online

1) What is the player experience

The player experience is that of an open world crime game in the vain of Grand Theft Auto presented in a browser-based interface. The player chooses from a list of actions while in the same game world as other players

2) What is the nature of interaction within the world?

The nature of interaction with the world is handled through selecting from a list of actions through a web browser and consequences are dealt with accordingly.

3) How do players communicate?

Players communicate through the use of a mini-chat menu on the website.

4) How do players socialize?

Players socialize primarily through chat. Players may also work together to commit crimes.

5) What happens if/when players logout or are dropped from the game?

The game world still continues through the action of other players who are still logged-in.

6) What do you have to do within the game?

The player has to work their way from the bottom to the top of the criminal underworld and accumulates wealth, power and skills along the way.

7) What do you think of the game?

The game is pretty funny. I kept trying to steal candy from a baby, but my skill wasn't high enough and I kept going back to prison.

8) Screen Capture of the game.

Answer these questions & post to your blog for each of the three games.

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